Q: Can I get a job if I am 12?
A: You can get a job if you are 12 or under in an artistic endeavour, if your parents complete a Youth Permit. Artistic endeavours include:

  • film, radio, video or television (including commercials)
  • voice recordings for video and computer gaming
  • theatre plays
  • musical performances

Q: Do I need my parents’ permission to work?
A: If you are 14 or under you need a parent’s or guardian’s permission to work, and there are certain jobs you can do without a permit as well:

  • clerk or messenger for office or retail
  • delivery for small goods and merchandise
  • delivering flyers and newspapers
  • host/hostess
  • cashier
  • dish washer
  • bussing tables
  • server
  • customer service
  • assembling food orders
  • sweeping and mopping

Q: Do workers under the age of 18 follow the same standards of employment?
A: Absolutely. Every worker has the same rights and responsibilities, and deserves minimum wage, vacations, and termination notice and pay.

Q: What times of the day can I work?
A: It varies depending on your age:

  • 12 years and under: determined by permit
  • 13-14 years: not during school hours, and not between 9 pm – 6 am; up to 2 hours on school days, and 8 hours on non-school days
  • 15-17: cannot work during school hours or between 12:01 am – 6 am (unless they have consent and adult supervision); restaurant workers can work between 9 pm – 12 pm with adult supervision

Q: Do I get less pay because I’m younger?
As a young worker, you are entitled to the current minimum wage in Alberta.

Q: What are my rights as a worker?
A: You have three basic rights:

  1. You have the right to refuse dangerous work and not be punished for it.
  2. You have the right to know about workplace hazards and have access to basic health and safety info.
  3. You have the right to participate in health and safety discussions and committees.

Q: What are my responsibilities as a worker?
A: You have a lot of responsibilities, but they are all put in place for your safety and the safety of others.

As an employee, you need to:

  • refuse dangerous work
  • report unsafe work practices
  • follow health and safety procedures
  • refrain from harassment or violence in the workplace
  • ask for training if you don’t know how to do something
  • work safely and encourage others to as well
  • use required safety equipment and clothing
  • inform your supervisor if you have anything going on that could affect your ability to work safely
  • protect yourself and others

Q: Should I be trained before I start my job?
A: No matter what job you’re in, getting trained is very important, not only for you, but everyone else around you. If you are training on the job, you have the right to be paid for your time.

Q: I feel like I am being bullied or harassed at work. What can I do?
A: If you feel that you are being bullied or harassed, try to document all the instances that it has happened. Write down times, places and dates. When you feel ready, talk to a supervisor or HR representative and tell them what is happening.

Q: Can I refuse work that I think is unsafe?
A: Absolutely. It is one of your rights as a worker.

Q: If I am injured on the job, what should I do?
A: There are three things you should do as soon as you can:

  • Report your injury to a supervisor.
  • Seek medical attention.
  • Report your injury to WCB Alberta.

Click here for more information on our youth workplace safety courses.

Click here for detailed youth employment laws in Alberta.