Support Young Worker Safety Month!

We have teamed up with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division (CMHA, Alberta Division) and HeadsUp Alberta (young worker safety awareness group) to launch Young Worker Safety Month throughout August.  The online campaign will educate and engage young Albertans about mental health during the pandemic, and beyond.

The posts will focus on promoting mental health and safety messages to youth across Alberta. The campaign will start on August 4, 2020.

Our  three organizations have come together to promote key messaging designed to remind youth to check in with themselves at home and at work, on a regular basis.

The social media campaign will feature posts available on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter available at:

  • Instagram: @cmhaab | Facebook: @CMHAAlberta | Twitter: CMHA_AB
  • Instagram | Facebook | Twitter: @headsupab
  • Instagram | Facebook | Twitter: @safegenab

The purpose of the campaign is to let young Albertans (ages 15 – 24) know that they are not alone in their everyday routines, struggles, and joys. There are many methods for staying mentally fit and free resources are available to them 24/7. The campaign will feature an Instagram contest encouraging young Albertans to share habits or tricks to keep positive mental health top of mind, and will start August 4, 2020. Two lucky winners could receive the prizes below:

  • One Chapters gift card: $250


  • 1-year subscription to the Headspace app
  • Spotify gift card: $60
  • Two tickets (worth $700 each) to the CMHA’s Working Stronger Conference (taking place in early 2021)

How can you participate? Follow us and share our posts across your own social media channels, and encourage any teens in your life to follow as well. 

Featured Partners

HeadsUp Young Worker Safety campaign launched in 1999 and creates awareness about young worker safety. The campaign aims to educate young workers about their rights in the workplace, targeting all young Albertans eligible for employment. HeadsUp is sponsored by the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) – Alberta.

Founded in 1918, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is the most established, most extensive community mental health organization in Canada. Through a presence in more than 330 communities across every province and one territory, CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive.

For more information on YWSM 2020 contact: