
Typical Hazards in Fast Food Restaurants


Fast food restaurants are a pretty usual first job. They offer short shift times, a fast-paced environment, and the chance to dive into a customer service position. But did you know that food service jobs are also high on the list for injuries and lost-time claims for young workers? Educating yourself about typical workplace hazards [...]

Typical Hazards in Fast Food Restaurants2022-10-27T10:01:19-06:00

Hazards in Retail (Infographic)


Working in retail can be a great summer job, or a great career choice. We want to make sure that you are properly prepared to excel in this environment, so let’s look at some of the hazards, and how to avoid them. Slips, trips and falls account for many injuries in the retail space, mostly [...]

Hazards in Retail (Infographic)2021-05-21T09:02:03-06:00

Facts About MSIs (Infographic)


Musculoskeletal Injuries (MSIs) are the most common injuries for youth workers. They are often referred to as RSIs (Repetitive Strain Injuries), Repetitive Stress Disorders, and Cumulative Trauma Disorders. These injuries can be extremely painful, and although workers may not display symptoms of them right way, they can cause a lot of trouble in later life. [...]

Facts About MSIs (Infographic)2021-05-04T08:30:28-06:00

Workplace Safety…at Home.


Feeling stuck at home these days? If you’re like most Albertans, you are feeling a little cooped up, which leads to… home projects! Although we may be nearing the end of another lockdown, the urge to purge, rearrange, clean and organize might be prevalent in your home. You may not be able to go back [...]

Workplace Safety…at Home.2021-01-11T11:59:49-07:00

New and Improved AGR 3000 Course


We are excited to announce the release of our new and improved AGR 3000: Agriculture Safety course! The course is available to educators and students across Alberta, now. The course is part of our successful JobSafe Program, which has educated over 115,000 students. It has been updated and contains the most current agriculture safety educational [...]

New and Improved AGR 3000 Course2020-09-21T12:29:02-06:00

Safety Tips for Santa


It doesn't matter who you are, or where you work, safety is always important. Happy holidays from JSSS!

Safety Tips for Santa2019-12-12T14:26:09-07:00

What Would You Do?


JSSS has released a three-part video series that poses the question for teens: What would you do in this situation? Watch as three friends, Ella, Tim and Greg, navigate their first jobs and are presented with common hazardous situations. Will they put their JobSafe training to use? [...]

What Would You Do?2019-12-03T12:39:01-07:00

Job Hazards: Restaurant (Infographic)


Take a look at some common job hazards in a restaurant. Whether you're in a cooking, cleaning, or service role, all of these hazards may apply. Know how to avoid them, and stay safe!     For more information on job hazards, visit our job safety resources page.

Job Hazards: Restaurant (Infographic)2019-10-23T12:04:24-06:00

Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries


The last day of February marks International Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day. These injuries are the largest cause of lost time for employers and employees across Canada, and can cause a huge amount of pain, not to mention disruptions in your everyday life. The good news is, they are easily avoidable if the proper [...]

Preventing Repetitive Strain Injuries2021-02-17T11:25:03-07:00
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