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Teacher Access to the JobSafe Online Training Program

Step 1: Get your JSSS School ID

You will need to contact the JSSS at 780-413-6876 or Toll Free at 866-513-6876 for your JSSS School ID. You will need this ID before completing Step 2.

Step 2: Register yourself and your students with the Job Safety Skills Society

The JobSafe Registration Form (click here to download) will need to be completed with all required information. To ensure prompt online access for your students, type in the information required in the yellow cells found on the form.

You will need your JSSS School ID, First and Last names of students being registered together with unique email addresses for each user. This information is requested to help maintain security and privacy for each user and allows users to make password change requests. After the JSSS has received this information, users will be emailed their TeacherID/StudentID and passwords.

The Job Safety Skills Society WILL NOT spam users nor will we share user email addresses with other individuals, businesses or organizations. We value privacy and will respect those using the JobSafe Online Training Program.

After you have completely filled out the Job Safe Registration Form, please email it directly to and allow up to 72 hours for the registration process. You and your student(s) will then receive an email confirming registration and will have full access to the online learning materials.

Step 3: Access the JobSafe Online Training Program Web Page

After receiving login information from the JSSS, the JobSafe Online Training courses can be accessed through the top menu Login button on the Job Safety Skills Society website.

Step 4: Login

Click “Log in” on the right side of the webpage to login as a Teacher. The JobSafe Training Program uses the WordPress blogging software as a framework for delivery of the learning materials. Enter the Username and Password that were emailed to you by the JSSS.

Step 5: Update your Profile

Choose your preferred theme look, reset your password, etc… Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the Update Profile button.

Step 6: Ensure your students have been registered

On the left side of the screen, click on “LearnDash LMS” and then “Group Administration”.

The Group Administration Page lists your JSSS School ID and the actions that you can access.

  • List Users” provides a listing of your students (those you registered in Step 2 above). You will be able to view reports for each student showing their grade for each Course Final Exam attempt.
  • Export Results” provides a tab-delimited text file that can be opened in Excel. This file contains details of the Final Exams taken by students together with their grade.

NOTE: There is a known bug with the software and how it reports final grade in the “Report” section and the “Export Results” file. Remember: The “Score” value is out of 100 – This is the percentage grade that students achieved for that final exam. The “Total” column simply shows the size of the pool of random questions from which the 100 question final exam was made up. For example, in the “Export Results” file, the user below received a grade of 27% on their first attempt at the AGR3000 Final Exam made up of 100 questions chosen at random from the available 161 questions. Their second attempt resulted in a grade of 86%.

In the “Report” section it shows this way… Again, this student received a grade of 27% on their first attempt at the AGR3000 Final Exam. Their second attempt resulted in a grade of 86%.

Step 7: Student Instructions for Access to Courses

You will find the Student Instructions located under the Teachers’ tab of the Job Safety Skills Society’s web site, in the Instructor Resource Manuals section, highlighted in green at the top of the page.

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