
Dig Safe Month – 2023


April is Dig Safe Month Safe digging practices are a must. Contact with underground lines or wires could cause major damage, and potentially, death. Since April is the start of the dig season, it's time to refresh your knowledge about how to stay safe as a worker, home owner, or contractor. The first step in [...]

Dig Safe Month – 20232023-03-28T10:59:25-06:00

Dig Safe Month – 2022


Following safe digging practices could mean the difference between life and death. Contact with underground lines or wires could cause major damage, resulting in thousands of dollars wasted, or potentially death. Since April is the start of the dig season, it's time to refresh your knowledge about how to stay safe as a worker, home [...]

Dig Safe Month – 20222022-03-22T09:09:22-06:00

Dig Safe Month – 2021


April is Dig Safe Month! Safe digging practices are a must. Contact with underground lines or wires could cause major damage, and potentially, death. Since April is the start of the dig season, it's time to refresh your knowledge about how to stay safe as a worker, home owner, or contractor. The first step in [...]

Dig Safe Month – 20212021-03-25T11:36:32-06:00

Job Safety Skills Society is now…


For 25 years, the Job Safety Skills Society has been helping educate and empower Alberta youth ages 15-24 years with our free, accredited JobSafe Program. We wanted to do something special for our anniversary this year, and decided that a new brand would be a great way to celebrate. We are now SafeGen: Next generation [...]

Job Safety Skills Society is now…2020-02-06T12:01:57-07:00
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