
Mental Health Week 2022 Copy


Do you show empathy for others, and for yourself? Empathy is one of the qualities and actions that the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is focused on this year. The official definition of empathy is: "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another." (Oxford Languages) Lending an ear and listening to friends, coworkers, [...]

Mental Health Week 2022 Copy2023-04-20T11:40:30-06:00

Mental Health Week 2023


Everyone has a story. Everyone has a different life with their own unique mental health. This year, we celebrate my story, your story, their story... everyone's stories. Together, we can advocate for universal mental health care and education. One in five people experience mental health issues, but all of us have mental health. If we [...]

Mental Health Week 20232023-04-20T11:49:24-06:00

Mental Illness Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day 2022


Mental Illness Awareness Week (October 2-8, 2022) is a time to become more aware of the realities of mental illness, and educate yourself and others about the importance of mental health.We've said it before and we'll say it again - there is no health without mental health. While we teach largely about physical safety, mental [...]

Mental Illness Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day 20222022-09-19T10:53:22-06:00

SafeGen Releases New Online Youth Mental Health Course for the Workplace for Alberta Youth


SafeGen has added a new course to complement our already popular JobSafe Program: Mental Health in the Workplace. The course will be offered online, throughout Alberta, at no cost. The purpose of SafeGen’s new course is for youth aged 15-24 to develop strategies for recognizing psychological risks and hazards, and to teach them to be [...]

SafeGen Releases New Online Youth Mental Health Course for the Workplace for Alberta Youth2022-08-31T09:39:27-06:00

How to be a better communicator


Have you ever stopped to think about what kind of communicator you are? Or what qualities a good communicator has? Sometimes, we don’t think about how our messages are being perceived, or how to better get our point across, or even be involved in a productive conversation. But we are communicating with people on a [...]

How to be a better communicator2022-08-08T14:24:51-06:00

Young Worker Safety Month 2022


Exploring Communications: Young Worker Safety Month The third annual Young Worker Safety Month (#YWSM2022) will is back with more health and safety tips, and another prize package for one lucky Alberta youth. SafeGen, the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division (CMHA, Alberta Division) and HeadsUp Alberta (young worker safety awareness group), have again partnered to [...]

Young Worker Safety Month 20222022-07-22T14:25:00-06:00

Know Your Rights and Responsibilities


As a new employee, you may have a lot of questions about what your rights and responsibilities are at your job. Learning the basics of OH & S legislation can benefit you in many ways; this knowledge will help to keep you safe at work, and help keep your coworkers safe as well. These laws [...]

Know Your Rights and Responsibilities2022-06-09T13:23:53-06:00

Mental Health Week 2022


Do you show empathy for others, and for yourself? Empathy is one of the qualities and actions that the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is focused on this year. The official definition of empathy is: "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another." (Oxford Languages) Lending an ear and listening to friends, coworkers, [...]

Mental Health Week 20222022-04-27T10:33:04-06:00

Pink Shirt Day 2022


Bullying can happen at home, at school, or at work - regardless of the location, it is a situation that hurts millions of Canadians every day. Bullying affects people mentally and physically, and can lead to mental health issues. Today is a great day to remind yourself and others to lift each other up with [...]

Pink Shirt Day 20222022-01-24T13:04:49-07:00

How to Beat the “January Blues”


It’s cold out, the days are short, and school is back in session. Typically, people tend to be a little down after the holiday season, and January can be a hard month for many people. Dark mornings and unrealistic resolutions can also contribute to a feeling of being down or anxious. The point is, it’s [...]

How to Beat the “January Blues”2022-01-11T12:44:38-07:00

Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022


It's back! Bigger, and better than ever. Bell Let's Talk Day has even more tips and tricks to end the stigma around mental health. Here are five ways to start the conversation: Open up about how you feel. Show kindness. Telling people to "Just calm down" or "Relax" isn't helpful. Be a good listener and [...]

Bell Let’s Talk Day 20222021-12-21T10:02:36-07:00

Mental Illness Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day 2021


Mental Illness Awareness Week (October 3-9, 2021) is a time to become more aware of the realities of mental illness, and educate yourself and others about the importance of mental health.We've said it before and we'll say it again - there is no health without mental health. While we teach largely about physical safety, mental [...]

Mental Illness Awareness Week & World Mental Health Day 20212021-09-21T13:26:55-06:00

Young Worker Safety Month 2021


Young Worker Safety Month is back, and this year the theme is: Finding Your New Normal: Self-Care Tips for Young Workers The second annual Young Worker Safety Month (YWSM 2021) will be launched throughout Alberta this August. SafeGen (formerly Job Safety Skills Society) has again teamed up with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division [...]

Young Worker Safety Month 20212021-07-22T14:15:01-06:00

Over scheduling: Why it’s harmful, and what you can do to avoid it.


If you’re like many people, your life is hectic and over scheduling is a constant worry. Teens are often extremely affected by this, as not only do they have their own schedules, but their family expectations as well. It’s a difficult habit to break, and can be detrimental to your psychological and physical wellbeing. How [...]

Over scheduling: Why it’s harmful, and what you can do to avoid it.2021-07-20T10:16:28-06:00

Mental Health Week 2021


This year's mental health week is all about naming and expressing emotions. Don't numb it, name it! Talk about how you feel, with someone you trust. Things may be extra stressful right now, which is why we have to work to protect our mental health even more. And voicing your emotions doesn't just mean angry [...]

Mental Health Week 20212021-04-19T11:34:17-06:00

Working Stronger 2021 – CMHA, Alberta Division


"The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Alberta Division is hosting their virtual workplace mental health conference on March 9 & 10, 2021. Working Stronger is designed to help Alberta’s employers create and maintain mentally healthy workplaces despite the obstacles we’ve experienced in 2021." Healthy employees create resilient workplaces, which is why the CMHA, Alberta Division has [...]

Working Stronger 2021 – CMHA, Alberta Division2021-02-19T10:36:46-07:00

Top 10 Signs You are Stressed


Stress is a normal feeling – everybody feels it at some point in their lives (now, possibly more than ever). But when does stress start to become a problem? You may feel stress over one particular thing, but often stress is like a glass of water: drops keep dripping in until the last one makes [...]

Top 10 Signs You are Stressed2021-01-27T10:29:42-07:00

Pink Shirt Day 2021


1 in 5 children are bullied at school by their peers. This is not okay. Today is a great day to remind yourself and others to lift each other up with kindness. Bullying can happen in many forms, including online. For parents of kids - make sure you check in with your kids if things [...]

Pink Shirt Day 20212021-01-28T13:14:20-07:00

Mental Illness Awareness Week 2020


Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) 2020 is a week to celebrate mental health, and also a week to educate yourself on the effects of mental illness and those in recovery. Many Canadians are now realizing that "that there is no health without mental health", and this year's theme certainly speaks to our current world conditions [...]

Mental Illness Awareness Week 20202020-09-22T13:28:30-06:00

Healthy Workplace Month 2020


For this year's Healthy Workplace Month, the very appropriate theme is "Great employers create thriving workplaces". Firstly, how is a "healthy workplace" defined? A healthy workplace is one where employees feel safe, are safe, and are encouraged to be safe. There is an absence of harmful conditions, and conditions that promote health and safety, at [...]

Healthy Workplace Month 20202020-09-22T12:03:40-06:00

Back-to-School Strategies for September


There’s no doubt that the upcoming school year will be even stranger than the last in Alberta. Many students are being welcomed back in class at schools across the province, and others will be For those learning in school, things will look very different. As the government has mandated, students will be wearing masks in [...]

Back-to-School Strategies for September2020-08-19T11:40:44-06:00

Alberta Non-Profits Work Together to Address Youth Mental Health


Support Young Worker Safety Month! We have teamed up with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division (CMHA, Alberta Division) and HeadsUp Alberta (young worker safety awareness group) to launch Young Worker Safety Month throughout August.  The online campaign will educate and engage young Albertans about mental health during the pandemic, and beyond. The posts [...]

Alberta Non-Profits Work Together to Address Youth Mental Health2020-07-29T11:23:37-06:00

Young Worker Safety Month


Young Worker Safety Month is a partnership between SafeGen, HeadsUp, and CMHA, Alberta Division. We will chat about workplace safety with a focus on mental health, and run an Instagram contest for amazing prizes! Check back at the end of July to see all of the details and how you can enter to win.

Young Worker Safety Month2020-07-29T11:01:49-06:00

“I’m so stressed out!”


Let’s be honest… when they announced school was moving to online learning this year, you might have been a little happy… “This is going to be awesome!”But after more than eight weeks of this, with no end in sight, it may be getting a little stressful for you. Learning high school courses on your own [...]

“I’m so stressed out!”2020-05-22T10:41:12-06:00

Mental Health Week 2020


This year's Mental Health Week is focused on asking people to #GetLoud and #GetReal about how they feel. We are all in this together, even though we're apart. Don't miss out on the chance to really say how you feel - we can connect even while we are separated physically. Each year, 1 in 5 [...]

Mental Health Week 20202020-04-27T10:00:54-06:00

Top 5 Social Distancing Activities


Staying home is a bit of a drag, but there are so many things you can do to fill your time that you may not have had time to do a couple of weeks ago. Pick up a good book. Grab something you've put off reading, or download something to your device. Learn a new [...]

Top 5 Social Distancing Activities2020-03-23T09:44:35-06:00

Mental Illness Awareness Week 2019


Over 50,000 Canadians miss work each week due to mental illness. Mental illness affects millions of people world wide and is something that almost half of Canadians have had or have by the time they turn 40 years old. Isn't it time we end the stigma and increase access to mental health services? These are [...]

Mental Illness Awareness Week 20192019-09-19T14:33:30-06:00

8 Strategies for Positive Mental Health


Positive mental health is something that everyone should strive for. Our state of mind affects everything we do, from school, to work, and even hanging out with our friends and family. Whether you have a mental illness or not, there are things you can do every day to feel better about yourself. Taking some time [...]

8 Strategies for Positive Mental Health2019-05-06T13:21:30-06:00

JobSafe Newsletter – 2018 in Review


2018 was an exciting year for the JobSafe crew. We updated our courses and implemented a user-friendly learning management system. We are looking forward to big things ahead in 2019! Click here to catch up with JSSS. View previous editions of our monthly JobSafe Newsletter.

JobSafe Newsletter – 2018 in Review2019-02-21T16:20:53-07:00

Bullying in the Workplace


Bullying in any situation is uncalled for and certainly not the fault of the victim. Unfortunately, in Canada one in six employees report being bullied at some point during their career. Workplace bullying encompasses everything from physical altercations to sexual harassment to verbal attacks. Everyone has the right to a safe work environment but unfortunately [...]

Bullying in the Workplace2019-01-28T21:16:12-07:00
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