
RSI Awareness Day 2023


Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) can happen from even the simplest of daily tasks - from lifting, to computer work, to scooping ice cream. RSIs are a type of Musculoskeletal injury (MSI), which are some of the most common injuries among Alberta's young workers. Continual repetition of gripping, holding, bending, twisting, clenching, and reaching at your [...]

RSI Awareness Day 20232023-01-19T10:09:36-07:00

RSI Awareness Day 2022


Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) can happen from even the simplest of daily tasks. RSIs are a type of Musculoskeletal injury (MSI), which are the most common injuries among Alberta's young workers. Continual repetition of gripping, holding, bending, twisting, clenching, and reaching at your place of work can result in painful and lifelong injuries. Today, take [...]

RSI Awareness Day 20222022-01-24T13:13:30-07:00

Pink Shirt Day 2022


Bullying can happen at home, at school, or at work - regardless of the location, it is a situation that hurts millions of Canadians every day. Bullying affects people mentally and physically, and can lead to mental health issues. Today is a great day to remind yourself and others to lift each other up with [...]

Pink Shirt Day 20222022-01-24T13:04:49-07:00

Facts About MSIs (Infographic)


Musculoskeletal Injuries (MSIs) are the most common injuries for youth workers. They are often referred to as RSIs (Repetitive Strain Injuries), Repetitive Stress Disorders, and Cumulative Trauma Disorders. These injuries can be extremely painful, and although workers may not display symptoms of them right way, they can cause a lot of trouble in later life. [...]

Facts About MSIs (Infographic)2021-05-04T08:30:28-06:00

RSI Awareness Day 2021


Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) can happen from even the simplest of daily tasks. RSIs are a type of Musculoskeletal injury (MSI), which are the most common injuries among Alberta's young workers. Continual repetition of gripping, holding, bending, twisting, clenching, and reaching at your place of work can result in painful and lifelong injuries. Today, take [...]

RSI Awareness Day 20212021-02-19T10:16:36-07:00

Pink Shirt Day 2021


1 in 5 children are bullied at school by their peers. This is not okay. Today is a great day to remind yourself and others to lift each other up with kindness. Bullying can happen in many forms, including online. For parents of kids - make sure you check in with your kids if things [...]

Pink Shirt Day 20212021-01-28T13:14:20-07:00

Alberta Non-Profits Work Together to Address Youth Mental Health


Support Young Worker Safety Month! We have teamed up with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division (CMHA, Alberta Division) and HeadsUp Alberta (young worker safety awareness group) to launch Young Worker Safety Month throughout August.  The online campaign will educate and engage young Albertans about mental health during the pandemic, and beyond. The posts [...]

Alberta Non-Profits Work Together to Address Youth Mental Health2020-07-29T11:23:37-06:00

Flu Prevention at Work


It’s the dreaded cold and flu season and many of us will contract this annoying and nasty virus at work. While we’d all like to be able to stay home and stop the spread of influenza, the fact is that the virus may have taken hold of you before you even notice the following common [...]

Flu Prevention at Work2019-01-14T18:09:57-07:00
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