
World Youth Skills Day 2022


Skills and education go hand in hand. This World Youth Skills Day, let's celebrate youth that are our future, and their incredible ability to contribute amazing ideas, thoughts, and actions that will positively affect our province. What can you do to help? Offer free courses, and training opportunities to youth in your community. Mentor youth [...]

World Youth Skills Day 20222022-06-22T12:30:56-06:00

World Youth Skills Day 2021


At SafeGen we are all about celebrating the importance of education and the role it has to play in our future generation's success. Without it, Alberta would be at a huge disadvantage. Staying engaged with learning during the past year has been a challenge and any assistance we can give to our young adults will [...]

World Youth Skills Day 20212021-06-17T11:28:22-06:00

World Youth Skills Day 2020


Celebrate youth and their special skills this year on July 15! "The aim of WYSD is to recognize the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship, and to highlight the crucial role of skilled youth in addressing current and future global challenges." The world is in the hands [...]

World Youth Skills Day 20202020-06-18T11:03:39-06:00
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