Why is workplace safety education important for young workers?


Educating young workers is our mission, and there’s a good reason why: these workers are still the most likely to get hurt at work. Youth aged 15-24 are entering the workforce with little to no safety education, and the most current statistics from the Government of Alberta(GOA) are showing that this is having a very [...]

Why is workplace safety education important for young workers?2021-06-16T11:52:42-06:00

Day of Mourning 2020


In 2019, there were 165 deaths in Alberta from workplace injury and illness. Annually on April 28 we remember those people and use their deaths as a reminder to commit to workplace safety awareness. Our thoughts are with those families and friends affected by these deaths. By working together with government, students, employers, educators and [...]

Day of Mourning 20202020-03-19T12:32:30-06:00
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